Despite the fact that I'm living on beachfront property for the next six weeks, I am not at Dalat International School for a vacation.
Most of the classes I will be teaching are ESL. In the morning, I get to school at 8am, or a little before. SAT time starts at 8:15. SAT is not a test from CollegeBoard, but is a short time that is part of the middle school concept here at Dalat. SATs are small groups that meet daily that are lead by each middle school teacher. Having a small group allows students to be more vulnerable as they set goals, and explore emotional, spiritual, and practical life issues during this low pressure, early morning group time. I think it is fantastic.
Classes start promptly at 8:40am. The first class time, A block, is Bible. During B Block, Language Arts is taught. 7 ESL students from the two sixth grade classes are pulled out during that time, and go to a separate ESL classroom. I go with them.
Social Studies is taught during Block C. This is another class I will eventually be teaching. This makes me a little bit nervous because it is not a dedicated area of expertise or study for me; but I am up to the challenge! Preparation will be key for this subject.
Now, this is where things get complicated. The mainstream 6th grade teachers have a large block of the afternoon for prep time and lunch, from about 11 o'clock to 12:40. ESL does not. On MWF, from 12:05-12:40, 3rd graders have their ESL pull out time. I do some of my copying and prep during the in between classes time. On T and TR, admissions testing and interviews take place. ESL teachers are a part of that, which means that I will be taking a role (tbd on how much) in testing, interviews, and admissions meetings.
Sometimes for lunch, I will walk across the street to SAB, an Indian restaurant and get "carry away" (how they say take out). I am LOVING the Indian foods here! Roti canai anyone?
7th grade ESL is at 2:20, and ends at 3:05.
While the rest of the students have what is called "X-block" time, (Elective classes on T/TR, Study hall on Wednesday, Group activity on FR), 7th and 8th graders have what is called "Word Study". Word Study takes place on MW, and is largely dedicated to vocabulary building. 9th grade ESL students have ESL class on T/TR.
Since last Wednesday, the 9th of November, I have been am teaching and preparing for all of these classes (except A and C block. But I will be taking over those at the end of this week).
"It is very easy to become consumed [by preparations and school]", one of my teachers warned me. The fact I am writing this at 7pm and am still at school is evidence of that. There is a danger here, certainly not danger of a lack of energy, but a danger of giving too much, and lacking boundaries between your job and the rest of your life. I suspect the rest of the staff has already learned this. Burning out can happen, and quickly. And within my first week of taking over classes, I am beginning to. Despite my need for success in student teaching, I need to set appropriate boundaries and goals for myself and this job.
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